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تعليم اصنع اداتك بنفسك الدرس Visual studio Educational lessons2

  دروس اصنع اداتك بنفسك الدرس  2

Educational lessons تعليم كيفيه صنع اداه 

Visual studio Educational lessons2
تعليم اصنع اداتك بنفسك الدرس Visual studio Educational lessons2

1. Microsoft Official Documentation

  • Visual Studio Documentation: This is the official documentation from Microsoft, providing detailed guides on getting started, features, and specific programming languages.

2. YouTube Channels

  •  on Visual Studio and other Microsoft technologies.
  • Programming with Mosh: Provides high-quality programming tutorials, including those focused on Visual Studio and C#.

3. Online Learning Platforms

  • Pluralsight: Offers a variety of Visual Studio courses. While it's a paid service, they often have free trials.
  • Udemy: A platform with various courses on Visual Studio, from beginner to advanced levels. Search for "Visual Studio" to find relevant courses.
  • Coursera: Look for courses that focus on programming languages supported by Visual Studio (like C#, .NET, etc.).

4. Blogs and Written Tutorials

  • Visual Studio Blog: Official updates and tutorials from the Visual Studio team.
  • Code Project: A community of developers where you can find articles and tutorials related to Visual Studio and many programming topics.

5. Interactive Coding Platforms

  • Codecademy: Offers interactive coding courses, including those on C# and .NET development, which often involves Visual Studio.
  • FreeCodeCamp: While not specific to Visual Studio, it offers a variety of programming tutorials that you can practice in Visual Studio.

6. Sample Projects

  • GitHub Repositories: Search for repositories with sample projects made in Visual Studio. This is a great way to learn by example.

Popular Topics to Explore:

  • C# Programming: The primary language for developing applications in Visual Studio.
  • ASP.NET Core Development: For building web applications.
  • Windows Desktop Development: Using Windows Forms or WPF.
  • Mobile App Development: With Xamarin.
  • Unit Testing: Learn how to write and run tests in Visual Studio.
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