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دروس اصنع اداتك بنفسك الدرس visual studio tutorials for beginners3

 الدرس  Visual studio Tutorials 3

Visual Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) from Microsoft that supports a variety of programming languages, including C#, VB.NET, C++, F#, and more. It provides tools for developing applications for Windows, web, and mobile platforms.

دروس اصنع اداتك بنفسك Visual studio 2

Visual studio Tutorials 3
دروس اصنع اداتك بنفسك  الدرس Visual studio Tutorials 3

Here are some key features of Visual Studio:

  • Code Editor: A powerful text editor with features like IntelliSense (code completion), syntax highlighting, and code refactoring.
  • Debugging: Advanced debugging tools, including breakpoints, watch windows, and exception handling.
  • Version Control: Integration with Git and other version control systems to manage code changes.
  • Extensions: Support for extensions and plugins that enhance functionality, allowing developers to customize their IDE.
  • Collaboration: Tools for team collaboration, including code reviews, pull requests, and integration with Azure DevOps.
  • Cross-Platform Development: Capabilities for developing applications for various platforms, including mobile (using Xamarin) and web (using ASP.NET).
  • Testing Tools: Integrated unit testing and other testing frameworks to ensure code quality.

  1.  اصنع اداتك بنفسك الدرس الثالث  3 Visual studio
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